The newly written alert monitor (AM) registers interest in a set of tables (as defined in table m_am). It waits for alerts to be fired on any of these tables and then updates an entry in M_TIMESTAMP_TABLE as appropriate. Alerts are pretty cool because they are transaction based, i.e. they only fired after a commit is performed. So a multi-row update will only invoke one alert. As agreed the experiments should poll M_TIMESTAMP_TABLE, and make the appropriate read when a timestamp there changes. For the moment: select SYSTEM_NAME,TABLE_NAME,to_char(LAST_UPDATE,'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') from lepmeas.m_timestamp_table; SYSTEM_NAME TABLE_NAME LAST_UPDATE -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- COLLIMATORS M_COL 14-mar-96 12:04:31 MODE M_MODE 14-mar-96 13:02:13 PAGE1 M_PAGE1_COMMENTS 14-mar-96 12:34:14 POWCON PC_READING 14-mar-96 12:51:52 The AM is running (in the foreground on my machine). To test it temporary update rights on M_COL, M_MODE, M_PAGE1_COMMENTS and PC_READING have been granted to L3, ALEPH, OPAL and DELPHI. Just try update lepmeas.m_col set timestamp = sysdate; commit; on any of these tables and watch lepmeas.m_timestamp_table;